I think at this point it is fair to say that the name “Barack Obama” has become irrevocably synonymous with the phrase “Brownshirts”, and with very good reason. Riding the euphoric wave of a Prozac addled collectivist saturated puppy-love election season, the teleprompter dependent basketball playing android immediately launched several programs designed to centralize community organization using federal oversight. One of these initiatives, ‘The Universal Voluntary Public Service Program’, stood out as one of the most unabashedly fascist concepts to come out of any presidential administration since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s forced internment of innocent Japanese American’s. The idea of requiring citizens to “volunteer” for quasi-military or federal service and subsequent statist indoctrination didn’t play too well with the majority of the public, and has, for now, been abandoned.
The problem with governments with aspirations of totalitarianism, however, is that they never actually fully give up on any reach for power. Instead, they shelve one tactic and try out another, until the citizenry starts to nibble the bait.
To be fair, this behavior was going on long before Obama, and his particularly unhinged presidency is only an amalgamation of all those corrupt puppet politicians that came before him. Much of the police state apparatus we see being slowly inserted into our daily lives was constructed in stages. George W. Bush’s implementation of the Patriot Acts, the DHS, and the FISA Bill, for instance, gave Obama an easy framework of tyranny to build on. Whoever globalists deem suitable to replace Obama in 2012 or 2016 (if we even have the option of rigged elections by then), will certainly carry on where he left off (perhaps Rick Perry can have an insincere prayer circle with his Fusion Center hit squads before heading out to attend another Bilderberg conference).
That said, Obama and the DHS under his administration have had a particularly busy couple of years. While our attentions have been understandably captivated by concerns over the economic collapse which is unfolding right before our very eyes, a new push for the induction of community groups into the fold of the Homeland Security apparatus is taking place. The key to any successful tyranny, of course, is the inclusion of average and ignorant citizens who become the eyes and ears of the offending bureaucracy. With the unveiling of the White House’s “Counter Extremism Plan” this past month, the process of recruiting citizen spies has been put on the fast track.
Read more here.
FBI Wants Surplus Stores To Spy on Customers
An FBI Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force handoutbeing distributed to Colorado military surplus store owners lists the purchase of popular preparedness items and firearms accessories as “suspicious” and “potential indicators of terrorist activities,” instructing store owners to keep records on and report people who:“Make bulk purchase of items to include:The FBI handout, entitled “Communities Against Terrorism: Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Military Surplus Stores” also instructs surplus store owners to:
Weatherproofed ammunition or match containers
Meals Ready to Eat
Night Vision Devices; night flashlights; gas masks
High capacity magazines
Bi-pods or tri-pods for rifles”
“Require valid ID from all new customers.The handout also instructs surplus store owners to consider as “suspicious” anyone who “demands identity ‘privacy’” or anyone who expresses “extreme religious statements” and those who “make suspicious comments regarding anti-US, [or] radical theology.”
Keep records of purchases.
Talk to customers, ask questions, and
listen to and observe their responses.
Watch for people and actions that are out of place.
Make note of suspicious statements, people, and /or vehicles.
If something seems wrong, notify law enforcement authorities.”
The “Communities Against Terrorism” flyer closes by stating:
Preventing terrorism is a community effort. By learning what to look for, you can make a positive contribution in the fight against terrorism. The partnership between the community and law enforcement is essential to the success of anti -terrorism efforts.Read more here.
Some of the activities, taken individually, could be innocent and must be examined by law enforcement professionals in a larger context to determine whether there is a basis to investigate. The activities outlined on this handout are by no means all-inclusive but have been compiled from a review of terrorist events over several years.