Leader of the Revolution, Muammar Qaddafi, addresses the Libyan people today on the 42nd anniversary of the Great Al Fateh Revolution Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called today Thursday 1st September on the Libyan people to continue resistance against the armed terrorist rebels of the National Transitional Council (NTC) who have been struggling since 11 days for control of the capital city Tripoli, with NATO doubling its bombing of all free areas of Libya. Gaddafi in the audio message released in writing on the screen for the television station Alrai, urged the Libyan people to "continue the resistance," after saying "no surrender" and "continue to fight." The Libyan leader stressed that there are differences between armed groups within the TNC and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and therefore reiterated his call to resistance from his supporters. "There are differences between the Alliance of aggression and its rebel players," he said on the TV station which is headquartered in Damascus, capital of Syria. NATO has destroyed all Libyan web sites and TV stations since 2 weeks, with only Mathaba independent news agency still remaining on the web. On August 25, Gaddafi urged Libyans to fight the rebels to free Tripoli from their terror and last night his son Seif Al Islam also made a speech urging Libyans to continue to fight to free their land, as the Libyan army is intact and only some government ministers had to give way due to their families being held hostage. "Do not fear the infidels. Liberate Tripoli. All the people must come out and move towards Tripoli. Fight street by street," Gaddafi also said at that time in an audio message also broadcast by international television channel Al-Rai. TNC followers postpone ultimatum to Gaddafi Faced with mounting realization that NATO and the foreign "special military forces" and mercenaries will not be able to remove Muammar Qaddafi due to his massive support among an estimated 95% of the population, the rebel TNC has "extended" yet again its deadline, which it has been giving for the past six months, for "Qaddafi to leave" and for followers of Qaddafi to give up Sirte by Saturday. On Tuesday, the head of the National Transitional Council (NTC) of the rebels, Mustafa Abdeljalil, had given yet another ultimatum Gaddafi supporters to "surrender" and the son Khamis Al Qaddafi was said to have "died in fighting" yet again but showed up as usual. The rebels say that negotiations are continuing with officers of those cities for their surrender "without any fighting", but Mathaba sources indicate clearly that this is not correct and there are no negotiations for surrender, and this was confirmed in the Libyan leader's speech within the past few hours. A full official translation of the speech will be given but is delayed due to communication difficulties. NATO has disrupted most communications within Libya and between Libya and the outside world. |