Obama's Disgusting Disrespect of America and Our Troops Continues (Disgrace to the Office of President)
This article is part of the Don Larry is USA PATRIOT TOUGH series.
I'm so hop frog mad right now I can barely even press the buttons
on my computer. Our President, the Teleprompter in Chief, Barack Obama,
has once again disrespected our brave men and women in uniform. While
the green berets are over in Ackubackustan shoveling mule piss for
Osama, Obama has a "prayer" meeting (where's your church, fatass!?) and
gives a speech where he starts talking about NECROMANCING.Corpsemen? Yeah, you wish our men and women in uniform were corpses, right Obar Al-Shouldresign, skeleton wizard. Just the latest in a disgraceful presidency that barely qualifies and is technically in violation of sections of the constituational codes governing availability re: birth certificates (kenya). Not that our Muslim and Chief cares one whit.
Let's peekaboo at BarelyOK Whosename Yourmama's recent history of disgraceful behavior. Please email forward to all your family and friends RE: these outrages.
Star Spangled Ball Grabber (2008)

During the 2008 campaign Obama stood and played with his mangoes in utterly flagrant disregard of our flag and its beautiful song, "Star Spangled Banner." Even Mexicans and women could figure out what to do, but that's because they're technically (for now) allowed in our country.
Salute the Troops (with balls) (2009)

Obama was once again using the troops to burnish his image and he couldn't even muster up the respect to give them a proper military salute. POTUS is supposed to salute troops when addressing them as the Commander of Chief. He prefers BALLS for our soldiers. Have a ball, courageous troops. Trust me, it's the only time he has ANY balls. Check out what he said about missile defense if you don't believe me (IRAN NUKES, COME ON IN!).
No Big Deal I'm Just the President I Don't Need SLEEVES (+ hand pockets)

Oh this one has a bunch going on. Guess who isn't supposed to ever be photographed with shirtsleeves on a lawn? In over 100 years the POTUS has never been photographed on a grassy area wearing shirt sleeves. Notice where Obama's hands are. In his POCKETS. The President should never be photographed with his hands in his pocket. Obama does this all the time, but more on that in a minute. I have a pockets photo you won't believe. There is also a third thing going on here, but you kind of can't see it. (UN)Fortunately this President ignores all decorum 99% of the time and behaves like a ANIMAL.
What time is it? Oh, about half past a strip of LEATHER

POTUS is not supposed to ever wear a leather banded watch or leather strap around his wrist, arm, or ankle. The precedent is very clear on this and dates back to George Washington who only wore silver watches. Platinum and gold have been allowed since Hoover, but leather is an affront to the sacrifice of our troops. What's next, a rubber wristband? Beads? Watch also incorrectly bezeled, but I don't have a good photo of that.
Disgraceful With World Leaders (A BOW? How about a POCKET!)

You thought the hands-in-pockets look was bad on that last picture? Here is Badcrap Obunghead with the President of Afghanistan and he has his hands in his pockets. In the Muslim world hands in your pockets is a sign of weakness on the same level as kissing your child on the lips or laughing at a bird too long. This is humiliating, emasculating, embarrassing to our country, and a disgrace to the SACRIFICE of our BRAVE and HEROIC troopers.
Sidewalk Sandals? Sure We're All Bohemian Rap Thugs (2009)

Casual Fridays President says "who needs shoes!?" and decides to
slum it in some sandals. NO SOCKS. Sandals are of course allowed on
lawns or gardens, gravel, mixed surfaces, but not walkways, roads,
streets, or grated metal. This is an embarrassment. Can you imagine
Ronald Reagan wearing sandals? Makes me want to vomit. Interesting to
note, POTUS can wear sandals on sidewalk, but only with socks, otherwise
this is feminizing akin to giving birth to a child in front of world
leaders. Horrible.
Leave During a War? Of Course! (2009)

Looks good right (other than it's not Sarah Palin)? President is dignified, striding down steps of Air Force One, just like a POTUS should do. Right? WRONG. Because he is stepping down off Air Force One in Copenhagen during a war to talk about, of all things, GREEN ENERGY. As everyone knows presidents are only permitted to leave the country to go to the country who we just conquered to see their stuff or to go to one of our allies to talk about troops. The only GREEN we got is the GREEN that he TOOK from USA'S WALLET. Maybe put your hands BACK in your pockets Cummander n' THIEF. The next time he LEAVES you can KEEP HIM!
The Writing is on the HAND (2010)

This is a good one. As you may know Sarah Palin (sweet hand
pictured above) has been lifting the American Spirit (as noted on her
hand) by talking to people and visiting people and behaving
patriotically. Well the liberal BOGosmear got a hold of this picture of
her during an interview with some notes on her hand. In case you can't
read it the note says: Energy, Tax Cuts, Lift American Spirit. You will
note BUDGET is crossed out because Sarah Palin has already cut budgets.
No need. This is totally allowed as a governor and ex-governor.
You know what isn't allowed? The POTUS doing it during a speech. I guess he had it on there in case the teleprompter failed he would know exactly what to say. Heh.

That's right. Our rapper hoops player POTUS has HITLER DICK Illustrated on his hand. Maybe tattooed (DEVELOPING). Caught RED communist handed.
Wellllll okay I admit I might have had my nephew use a computer picture program for that little joke. But the point is it MIGHT AS WELL say that as long as he's threatening our lives with his HELLthcare.
I can't hardly even see straight right now I am so mad, but I've got just enough in me for one more picture. I want you to take a look at it and see if you can spot what's wrong:

I know, I know. I couldn't believe it either, but she really did that. And with her daughter. The whole family is basically communist animals. Impeach them all and throw away the key, I say.
I prefer the fact that Obama is rather upfront with taking a shit on America as opposed to Bush who just discretely wiped his ass with America. At least with Obama you can avoid the turds as they're pinched. :) Good luck and don't let the G-men and Alphabit boys get to you. God bless!